Sponsored Video: AMC’s “Small Town Security” returns

Whether you remember AMC’s “Small Town Security” as the reality show you laughed at endlessly last year or simply the program that came on after “Breaking Bad,” you owe it to yourself to check out the above preview.

“Small Town Security,” which focuses on the daily hijinks of a family-owned private security company in Ringgold, Ga., returns to AMC on a new night at a new time: Thursdays at 10 p.m. / 9 p.m. Central, beginning a week from today, May 9.

All your favorites, from Joan to Dennis to Irwin, are back. And who could resist tuning in to see if office fixture and 14-year-old chihuahua Lambchop is still alive and kicking?

This post is sponsored by AMC. Please head over to the AMC website for more information on “Small Town Security.”